Weather Vane in Antonito

Sharing Our Refined Strategy for 十大菠菜靠谱平台

About two years ago, 当时我刚刚担任十大菠菜靠谱老平台的总裁兼首席执行官. I was also in the midst of a whirlwind listening tour of Colorado. 我们去了这个州的每一个角落,了解健康对科罗拉多人意味着什么. What we heard changed us. And we want to share the impact, scope 和 scale of that change with you.

然后, 现在, 在每一个社区,在我的每一次谈话中,我们一遍又一遍地听到一件事:对每个科罗拉多人来说,拥有健康意味着不同的东西.

为什么会这样?? 这是一个非常简单的答案,但解决方法并不简单:不是所有人都有同样的机会保持健康.

We believe that health equity exists when there are no unnecessary, 可避免的, 不公平的, unjust or systemically-caused differences in health status. Where you live matters. Racial injustice matters. Financial 和 socioeconomic status matters. Toxic stress matters. Access to safe 和 affordable neighborhoods 和 homes matters.

So we needed to do something about that. 去年年初, we announced a new strategic focus designed for more impact. We spent time digging deep into how that focus should take shape, 现在我们准备与大家分享更多的细节和我们战略的一些改进.

我们还明确了我们工作的基础以及对我们所寻找的合作伙伴的期望. We call these our cornerstones.

基石被定义为“某一特定事物所依赖或基于的重要品质或特征”.“我们的目的是帮助确保我们所做的一切对人们产生影响, families 和 communities in our state who need it most.

Our cornerstones make clear that we only engage in opportunities that:

  1. 为低收入和/或历史上权力或特权较少的科罗拉多人服务;
  2. Intend to create health equity; 和
  3. Are informed by the community 和 those we exist to serve.

Our updated strategic framework is focused on strengthening bodies, minds 和 communities in the fight for health equity. This strategy keeps equity at the heart of our work, because without it, we will not achieve our vision.

Our focus areas are now organized to:

  • HealthyBodies Icon
    Maintain Healthy Bodies获得全面的初级保健和充分的运动机会是健康生活的两个重要组成部分. We are working to ensure that all Coloradans have access to high-quality, 在他们需要的时间和地点提供全面的初级保健,使儿童每天都能以安全和有趣的方式活动.

    Read more about the priorities in this focus area, including 初级护理 Children Move More.
  • HealthyMinds Icon
    Nurture Healthy Minds: 我们理解为每个年龄段的科罗拉多人提供他们所需的资源来支持精神和社会福祉的紧迫性. 我们正在通过培养儿童的社会情感发展来解决本州的行为健康需求, equipping teens 和 young adults with resiliency skills, 给那些有精神健康障碍和药物滥用挑战的成年人继续支持他们的康复之旅.

    Read more about the priorities in this focus area, including 早期儿童社会情绪发展,青少年和青年成人弹性 成人复苏.
  • CommunityHealth Icon
    Strengthen Community Health: 我们认为,社区应该有机会提升自己的优势,并与了解他们所面临问题的合作伙伴一起解决挑战. 通过与社区合作,帮助社区确定和应对与健康有关的挑战, 和 investing in quality food 和 affordable housing, 我们正在建立一个基础,使社区能够制定因地制宜的解决方案,从而实现卫生公平.

    Read more about the priorities in this focus area, including Community Solutions, Food Access 和 SecurityAffordable Housing.
  • HealthEquity Icon
    Champion Health EquityFor equity to be a reality, 必须听取意见,发展技能,以促进所有科罗拉多人获得健康的公平机会. 我们正在支持个人和组织发展和加强必要的技能,以倡导和促进更公平的卫生环境——我们的政策反映我们的优先事项, 和 health is in reach for all Coloradans.

    Read more about the priorities in this focus area, including 宣传 能力建设.
2018 Focus Areas 和 Priorities_small


We also have long-term Cross-cutting Efforts 这跨越了多个优先级,因此我们可以在特定的地理或学科领域深入研究. These long-term efforts require extended focus 和 investment, which means that we are careful to take on only a few of these at a time. Currently, the Foundation considers our existing 健康的学校 和新 关注本地 bodies of work as cross-cutting.

我们认识到,通过与全州各地的社区合作,这些社区是我们以本地为重点的签名努力的一部分, that we can not only move the needle on specific health-related issues, but that we have an opportunity to build the capacity of local institutions, improve policies 和 systems, exp和 local leadership 和 stimulate broad civic engagement. The four communities we will embark with on this new, exciting path include Alamosa, Eagle 和 Morgan counties, as well as Pueblo County with a specific focus on the city of Pueblo.

You might be wondering what’s between the lines of this update. We wanted a balanced strategy, 我们知道,这意味着要在遗留工作和新机遇之间做出艰难的决定. Here are some insights into our thinking:

  • 我们比以往任何时候都更加致力于我们在获得全面初级保健和身体活动方面的传统工作.
  • 而不是把身体健康和行为健康结合起来(因为我们知道它们是密不可分的), 我们有意创建了两个重点领域,因为考虑到科罗拉多州与之相关的挑战,行为健康值得关注.
  • 我们确定了健康的某些社会决定因素,我们认为这些因素对改善社区健康至关重要,我们在解决这些问题方面具有独特的优势.
  • 我们的地理重点包括农村、边境、郊区和城市社区.
  • 我们在非营利部门内外寻求关系和伙伴关系, because we know there is strength to be found across both.


A lot of work, of course. Now that our strategy is set, 我们必须与许多合作伙伴和同事合作,才能成功实施该计划并取得我们所寻求的成果. We have to continue learning from communities in Colorado. We have to determine what we will fund 和 when. 我们必须决定如何最好地利用我们的政策宣传,以及如何让私营部门参与进来. All of that is right around the corner for us 和 you.

我们知道,策略的更新可能会让我们的合作伙伴既兴奋又焦虑. 虽然我们仍有一些工作要做,当涉及到与资金有关的具体细节, advocacy 和 other ways we engage, we want to be clear about 我们所做的 know.

  • If you’re a current grantee with questions, read our FAQs about our updated strategy or reach out to your assigned program officer.
  • If you’re interested in a potential partnership, we also recommend that you talk with our program staff. 查看我们的 interactive program staff map to see who is assigned near where you live or work.
  • Sign up to receive email updates when we announce new funding opportunities. 我们计划在5月初公布6月15日截止的资助名单.
  • We’re not ever done listening to communities. Next week, I’m hitting the road to visit communities in northeastern Colorado. 这是对我们了不起的受助者和伯灵顿社区成员的致敬, 英镑, Yuma 和 many other places. 我们很高兴下周能更多地讨论这个问题,听听如何让健康触手可及. Curious about the trip? 电子邮件我们 或者跟随我们 推特脸谱网. 我将 be tweeting myself, using the hashtag # KMMRoadTrip.
  • Tell us what you think! 给我们捎个信 about what it means for you to have health in reach.
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